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Renuka - The Courageous Woman Fighting for Rights

Renuka Bulugoda grew up in Sri Lanka’s Ulapane area and went to Ulapane Central College. After passing the General Certificate of Education (GCE) ordinary-level examination, she became a security officer in a private company. At 22, she married her husband, who has no permanent job (they have a daughter and two sons). Renuka became a full-time employee while starting up various self-employment activities to contribute to the family income.

When WDC came to the village to conduct an awareness programme about the EWG project, they recruited two equality facilitators (EFs), and Renuka volunteered to join the project as an EF. After that, she also participated in a three-day training session held by WDC on human rights, women's rights, gender equality, power within, sexual and reproductive health and rights, women’s political participation and current legislation. During this training, she learned many things she had never known. She said that it was a new experience for her.

“It is really important if we had known these things at a young age. I think that this knowledge should go to our husbands and the men and boys of our community."

In addition to these topics, she realised that the project would focus on self- employment as well as women’s entrepreneurship development and provide self- employment training. Accordingly, she participated in a detergent preparation training course conducted by WDC. Soon after the training, Renuka started her own business, producing homemade detergent and organic soap. Now she is a micro-level entrepreneur. There are times when she receives orders even from far-off places. At present, she is earning around 25,000.00 – 35,000.00 LKR.

She has explained to her husband the importance of recognising women’s capacity and respecting each other. She says she could negotiate this way because of the knowledge and training she received from the project. She now manages her time and reserves time for family affairs, business affairs and social service to the community.

She stated, "Now I am enjoying my rights to participate in economic activities on my own wish. This was a struggle for me for a long time; now I know how to encourage and support other women and girls in my community.”

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