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About Empowering Women and Girls

Empowering women and girls by building local partnerships with
a global purpose

The Empowering Women and Girls (EWG) project is a transformative initiative aimed at promoting gender equality by equipping 75,000 women and girls with sustainable livelihood skills. This three-year initiative targets rural, remote, and disadvantaged communities in Bangladesh, Malawi, Mozambique, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka.

The project provides life and vocational skills training to women and girls, connecting them with employment agencies, financial institutions, and markets. This comprehensive approach fosters employment, entrepreneurship, and school reintegration, all of which contribute to economic independence, poverty reduction and gender equality.

The EWG project adopts a context-specific and holistic approach, co-ordinating interventions at individual, household, community and societal levels. This context-specific lens allows the project to cater to the individual and unique needs of women and girls, men and boys and community members which are shaped by the specific geography, political, economic, cultural and climate conditions of their countries.
Including men and boys in the fight for gender equality is crucial, as their actions, attitudes, and beliefs can significantly influence social norms and structures. Men and boys can be powerful allies in efforts to challenge and change discriminatory norms and practices. Their participation can also benefit them by breaking down harmful stereotypes and expectations associated with masculinity. In line with this, the project aims to empower 20,000 men and boys with the skills they need to promote gender equality within their communities and play a pivotal role in transforming discriminatory social norms.

In addition, schoolteacher and managers, community and traditional leaders, and women’s rights and civil society organisations will be engaged to create a supportive environment for enabling gender equality and realising rights. In total, 400,000 community members will be reached through public campaigns.
This project engages a broad spectrum of stakeholders, including government officials, community leaders, women’s rights and civil society organisations, financial institutions, and employers, to create a safe environment that will encourage women and girls to learn and will support the project’s successful implementation and sustainability.

Leveraging its extensive experience and expertise, the Commonwealth of Learning (COL) will use appropriate and locally relevant technologies to make rapid and significant progess. Building on its successful track record of implementing similar projects in Bangladesh, India, Malawi, Mozambique, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Tanzania, COL is poised to make a meaningful impact through the EWG project.
The Empowering Women and Girls project is a Commonwealth of Learning initiative sponsored by Global Affairs Canada.


This project aims to achieve the following:

Empowerment: Improved empowerment of women and girls, including women and girls with disabilities, to enable them to assert their equal of rights and deal with dominant social norms that perpetuate gender inequality and gender-based violence.

Education: Improved and equitable attainment of lower-secondary education among women and girls, including women and girls with disabilities. COL will also draw on its expertise in technology and will use some of its own innovations, such as MooKITs and Aptus, to reach the unreached.

Sustainable livelihoods: Enhanced livelihood opportunities with sustainable climate-resilient practices and improved incomes for women and girls, including women and girls with disabilities, from disadvantaged communities. Women and girls will be trained in financial literacy, life skills and vocational skills, including climate-resilient cropping and sustainable agricultural practices, and linked with financial institutions and the labour market so that their training leads to employment, entrepreneurship or reintegration into the school system.

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We use intersectional frameworks to understand barriers to empowerment.

Women and girls have multifaceted identities and face intersectional barriers to empowerment. This project is steered by a multi-layered, comprehensive, critical and gender-centric approach that acknowledges these intersectionalities. We employ a multi-dimensional framework to gain a deeper understanding of the unique challenges faced by women and girls. This approach allows us to address these challenges in a more targeted and effective manner. Our commitment is to empower women and girls by acknowledging their individual experiences and addressing the specific barriers they face.

Gender Equality Analysis Framework:

This framework helps us understand the context in which women and girls and men and boys exist and how programmes and policies can better address the realities of both groups to create gender parity.

Climate and Gender Analysis Framework:

Climate change acts as a threat multiplier. That means that women and girls who are already vulnerable in terms of economic empowerment, political protection and social empowerment, climate change and climate-related disasters are at increased risk.

Persons with Disability and Gender Analysis Framework:

The disability-inclusive development (DID) lens places an emphasis on how persons with disabilities must be recognised as rights-holding, equal members of society who must be actively engaged in the development process regardless of their impairment or other factors such as race, age, ethnicity or gender.

Connect with us

The Empowering Women and Girls project works with a variety of community partners, all dedicated to transforming the lives of women and girls. We invite you to connect with us through our community of practice, online events and social media platforms. Your engagement is vital to our collective mission, and we look forward to fostering a dynamic and productive dialogue.
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Commonwealth of Learning
4710 Kingsway, Suite 2500, Burnaby
V5H 4M2, British Columbia, Canada

Phone: +1 604 775 8200
Fax: +1 604 775 8210
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