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CERADI Supports Secondary School Students in Malawi

CERADI is implementing the EWG project in Mchinji and Balaka districts. One of the projects main objectives is to mobilise girls and boys who dropped out of school to be reintegrated into formal and open schooling. The project targets the reintegration of 1,000 girls and boys in the two districts.

While registering prospective learners, CERADI identified 75 (45 girls, 30 boys) who dropped out of school because  they could not afford school and examination fees. Following discussions with their parents and the school authorities, CERADI agreed to pay their school and examination fees as part of the project activities to secure their place in school. The supported students are now back in the following schools: Takondwa Community Day Secondary School (CDSS), Gandali CDSS, Tiyamika Education Centre, Chimteka CDSS in Mchinji and Namalomba CDSS in Balaka. These students are part of the cohort of the 1,000 girls and boys returning to formal and open schooling. CERADI will be monitoring their progress throughout the implementation of the project.

Ms Alice Siliya, one of the students from Takondwa CDSS, expressed her gratitude and excitement, saying that she was afraid of not fulfilling her dream of finishing her education and becoming a District Commissioner. Upon hearing that she was identified as one of the learners to be supported by CERADI’s EWG project for three years and that her fees were paid, she added, “I am happy that my dream will come true.”

Mr Kondwani Mhone, head teacher of Namalomba CDSS, said, “This assistance has come at a time where we tried all means as an institution to ensure all our students are retained in school, but we did not manage, even though we tried to support some from our pockets. We are very grateful for the support, and this is a relief on our side. What pains me most as the head teacher is that some of the students who dropped out are very intelligent and gave hope that they will go to university upon completion of upper-secondary education.”

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