Eum quos omnis neque dolor cupiditate quas quibusdam.

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Theory of Change

Building the blocks of empowerment for women and girls.
To empower women and girls, there is a need for multifaceted change involving many actors. Through our theory of change and log frame, the Empowering Women and Girls project will work to drive immediate, intermediate and ultimate outcomes to improve the lives of women and girls.

Ultimate Outcome

Improved realisation of human rights and a life of dignity for women and girls from disadvantaged communities in the defined geographical areas of Bangladesh, Malawi, Mozambique, Pakistan and Sri Lanka
Intermediate Outcomes
Improved empowerment of women and girls, including women and girls with disabilities, from disadvantaged communities to allow them to assert their equality of rights and deal with dominant social norms that perpetuate gender inequality and gender-based violence.
Immediate Outcomes


Improved awareness among an increased proportion of women and girls of human rights, including rights to own and inherit property, sexual and reproductive health rights, and legislation protecting their rights and the capacity to recognise their “power within.”


Improved awareness among an increased proportion of men, boys and community leaders of human rights, gender equality and their social responsibility to bring changes in dominant social norms and advocate for gender equality.


Improved capacity among an increased proportion of women’s rights organisations to challenge gender stereotypes and unequal power relations in communities and promote the state’s obligation to enforce laws to ensure gender equality.



Women and girls, including women and girls with disabilities, who become aware of human rights, including sexual and reproductive health and political participation; legislation to protect women's human rights; and the concept of “power within”.


Women and girls, including women/ and girls with disabilities, who become aware of the available public healthcare services and their right to have equitable access to those services.


Women and girls who accessed technical assistance, tools and services to help them deal with their rights violations.

Connect with us

The Empowering Women and Girls project works with a variety of community partners, all dedicated to transforming the lives of women and girls. We invite you to connect with us through our community of practice, online events and social media platforms. Your engagement is vital to our collective mission, and we look forward to fostering a dynamic and productive dialogue.
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4710 Kingsway, Suite 2500, Burnaby
V5H 4M2, British Columbia, Canada

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